Thursday, November 29, 2018

Charlotte's Web

Charlotte's Web

Author: E.B. White
Grade Level: 4-6
Genre: Fiction 
Awards: Newbery Medal

Summary: This is the story of a pig named Wilbur.  After being moved to a new farm, Wilburn soon make an unexpected friend.  He befriends a spider named Charlotte.  One day, Wilbur finds out the farmer is going to kill him in the winter time.  To help keep him alive, Charlotte vows to save him.  Charlotte begins writing things in her web over Wilbur's pigpen.  This draws the attention of a lot of people and the farmer decides to enter Wilbur into a contest.  Charlotte goes with Wilbur and helps him win the bronze medal.  Sadly, Charlotte's last spinning kills her.  However, before she died, she left an egg sac with Wilbur.  Wilburn takes the egg sac with him and takes care of Charlotte's babies.  Three of her babies stay with Wilbur and live in the place their mother once lived.

Evaluation: I loved this story.  Even though it has been a while since I read it, I still remember the impact this book had on me as a young girl.  This is one of the first chapter books I remember reading.  This is a book I plan to use in my classroom, especially if I'm with fourth graders.

The age appropriateness is between fourth and sixth grade.  Students at this age will be able to get through this book without much difficulty, easily able to understand the events taking place.

When I read this book, my teacher had the entire class read this book together.  There were some days she would read and days we would get into smaller groups and read aloud.  I loved reading this book with my classmates.  She made the story come to life by having props.  I would use this book in a very similar way in my classroom.

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