Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Beautiful Blackbird

Beautiful Blackbird 

Author: Ashley Bryan
Illustrator: Ashley Bryan 
Grade Level: 2-4
Genre: Fiction 
Awards: Coretta Scott King Award for Illustrators

Summary: Every bird is amazed by the beauty of the blackbird.  They see true beauty and uniqueness in blackbird and decided that they too want black in their feathers.  The blackbird begins painting different designs on the other birds to add more diversity to their coloring.  Once blackbird adds the black designs on them, they feel more beautiful than ever.

Evaluation: This was a neat story.  There are so many lessons that can be taught using this book.  Where younger students might get a simpler meaning from this book, older students might find deeper meaning.  I would love to have this book in my classroom library. 

The age appropriateness is between second and fourth grade.  The author uses repetition throughout the book as well as vocabulary that is easier to understand.

You could use this book in a read aloud and have students write down what message they got from the story.  Student could then compare and discuss similarities and differences between the messages they got from it.

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