Thursday, October 25, 2018

How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?

How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?

Author: Margaret McNamara
Illustrator: G. Brian Karas
Grade Level: 2-4
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Awards: Christopher Award for Young People Winner (2008)

Summary: Charlie is the smallest boy in his class.  Everyday he is reminded of his size as they line up tallest to shortest.  One day his teacher, Mr. Tiffin, asks his class to guess the number of seeds in three different pumpkins.  The three pumpkins range in size of small, medium, and big.  The teacher tells the students to guess the pumpkin that has the most seeds.  After they guess, he tells them to count the seeds inside.  All of the students want the big and medium sized pumpkin because they assume they have the most seeds due to their size.  Charlie is then left with the smallest pumpkin to count the seeds of.  After they finished counting, the results were in.  To their surprise, the smallest pumpkin had the most seeds. Mr. Tiffin then chose to teach the class that size doesn't always mean better.  Sometimes the smallest things have the same, if not more, inside.

Evaluation: This was a very good book.  The concept of height doesn't go away with young students.  In middle school, you have an array of heights.  This book is very applicable for middle school.  I would use this in my classroom because I think it would be a fun book to read aloud.

The age appropriateness is from second to fourth grade.  The theme in the story is presented in a loving and inspiring way.  I think younger and older students will be able to relate well to the book.

I could use this book to emphasize the importance of kindness.  Again, I think middle school student would relate well to the book.  Even though it is geared toward a younger audience, middle school students will still be able to take something away.  I could then take this book and use it as a writing prompt on kindness and the attributes of greatness.

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