Monday, September 10, 2018

Majesty in Flight

Majesty in Flight: Nature's Birds of Prey in Three Dimensions 

Author: Ron Van der Meer
Illustrator: Ivan Lapper
Grade Level: 5-8th
Genre: Nonfiction
Awards: none

Summary: This short book gives the reader an inside look at different birds of prey including falcons, eagles, and vultures.  Each section shows the size, description, and overview of each bird including pop-up diagrams of each.  Considering this book is about birds of prey, the author does not hide the somewhat gruesome meals these birds enjoy.

Evaluation: Overall, I enjoyed reading this book.  It was very informative and interactive.  I decided to increase the grade level due to the book's detailed look inside the diets of these birds of prey.  Again... being a book about birds of prey, you expect this.  I just wanted to make sure my readers knew that I would not give this book to a kindergartner.  If I did, I might have some not-so-happy parent emails.  For junior high, they will love this.  It takes the simple, somewhat childish aspect of pop-up diagrams to teach students the different birds of prey.  I chose this book because it came up during my student teaching.  The students pointed to the huge bird outside the window and said it was a hawk.  One of the other students read this book and soon realized the hawk was in fact a falcon.  My mentor teacher and I then used this as a teaching moment to show how reading can help you determine or clarify something and enhance your overall comprehension (ELA.8.2B and ELA.8.Fig19A).  I may not include this book in my yearly plan, but I will definitely use this book if another teaching moment like this comes up.

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